So i thought I would read my past new years blog posts and see how i did. Well it turns out i am not a big believer in the resolution on your blog idea. As i didn't have any in 2010 and in 2009 my resolution was to have a more coherent blog. Well, that is just madness, that is like the I don't know what that is like, but it is clearly madness. It is like the madness folks having a house in the middle of the road, i never understood that, if the house was in the middle of the road, is it then not a road?
Anyway, All i want to do this year is, a. be a better dad, b. be a better husband, c. be a better me, and finally, get into better shape, if i can do all that it will have been a grand year.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
I just hit tab and that link popped in there, that is unusally odd, Oh yea, I want to read more, last year I started out reading fairly well, but then got bogged down and never got back into it. I am reading Sh*t my dad says now, it is funny, but i wouldn't reccomend it either.
The Steelers are in the playoffs again this is a good year already.
I have a new job, I should make the goal of getting off probation by the end of the year, that would treat me well. Actually, if i don't i will have been fired, so that is a good goal, Working for the government has a 1 year probationary period.
That is all i can think off.