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Monday, July 19, 2010


You ever wonder why you fail.  Or since this is my blog do I ever wonder why I fail?  The answer of course is yes.  I dwell on it alot.  more then a lot, a great deal, and well, I wish I didn't.

I spent the weekend with my family, as they got back from a weeks worth of traveling and all I could think was I don't want to teach my daughter to be like me.  I want to teach her to be better than me.

Only I don't know how or I would be better.

She deserves me to be the best parent I can be, but my best isn't as good as she deserves.

I had better quit typing or I'll start to cry and that isn't what i wanted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jerry, as I understand it, the fact that you are even asking these types of questions means that you are on the right side of things. That ability, to question one's self, and to strive to be better, even when struggling to know what better is or would even be, is the most important thing that you can teach. From your example she will learn to not be content with mediocrity, to value her family, and to be the best her that she can be. WIN! Big Win! PS-Sorry I didn't get a chance to return your call, I will give you a call this weekend!