For the second time in my life, yes the second, I broke a tooth eating twizzlers. I've only broken 2 of my teeth ever. perhaps I broke some of my baby teeth. So I have one crown already and I have a second one coming.
Lesson learned here: Twizzlers DO NOT Make your mouth happy.
Also GM is likely going to end up bankrupct monday, and the uwa is going to end up taking concessions to keep the company around in a new form. However this is the part that i find funny and is a good tie in. The union is giving up dental and vision insurance for retiries. Our Dental costs something like 50 a month, it is more than 45 and less than 50 but I am unsure how much. Anyway, they cover 70 dollars for cleanings i think and i pay 9. So lets say the wife gets cleaned twice and i get cleaned twice that costs 316 a year. I still pay 36 of that so dental insurance usually pays 280 a year and collects about 600. This year I am getting a crown. But I have to pay like 590 and they pay like 400. or something stupid, there is some mathmatical calculation to determine what they pay that i swear involves fractals, and derivatives. My point is I think it may be better to self insure, Meaning, if I put the 300 or so into a saving account for dental needs ever year I would be alot better off in the long run. oh well.
and just for old times sake
In what seems to be a rather funny at least to me turn of events, I laugh at all things politcal. Anyway remember when judge roberts was appointed and there was a stale mate in the senate and the GOP threatened to use the "Nuclear" option and just end debate and despite the fact they didn't have the votes customarily needed to end the vote (60). Now the GOP finds itself in a reveral of roles. However, the Dems will not likely need the Nuclear option becuase there are 3 or so moderate members of the GOP, Olympia Snow being one of them. I keep hearing on talk radio that the GOP should fight this nomination, I think for the sake of fighting it, becuase as judges go, she is considered a moderate.
What does the GOP want, to stop this nomination and have Obama appoint a far left wing judge, at which time the Dems could use the nuclear option and end the debate and but anyone they want on the bench. The GOP needs to pick their battles and this one looks like a losing battle.
Wait... you broke a tooth eating swizzlers??
I don't think you're supposed to eat swizzlers....
if you get a crown you DEFINITELY cannot be eating chewy-arse candies, Jerry!
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