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Sunday, August 28, 2011

wait, weight don't tell me

I am in the worst shape of my life, or close to it, i weight more then I've ever weighted.

So i signed up for a 5k race. Das Hustelhoff.

I've sorta been training, not really, but I have been running more then i have in while, I think I might be able to run it all, slow like.

Also Just watched a documentary, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead I highly recommend it. It is on netflix, watch it, or not. Basically it is a fat sick and nearly dead dude that goes on a 60 juice fast.

Which I think is boarder line crazy. But, he has a plan for 5 15 10 or any other days reboot cleanse. I am going to give it a go. Not 61 or 15 but I figure Sunday to Sunday will be good. I am almost a day into it. This is my review. My head hurts in ways I can't explain. I'll try though or this post has reached its conclusion.

Anyway, As part of this I also have given up caffeine (or as the case may be diet soda). As a result my head is throbbing in a ways I don't like. But as far as being hungry goes I am fine. I am not even sorta hungry.

So I will try to post this week, I doubt I will find the time as you can tell I have posted less than frequently.  But today I weight 193lbs, and I ran 1.6 miles in 20 minutes.  I'll see if i can improve both of them for next week.


Abby said...

Well... how's it going??

Abby said...

Oh, by the way. There's this guy whose blog I used to read. He lost a ridiculous amount of weight- like 400 lbs. ridiculous - by cooking all of his own meals and riding a bike (which he had to have custom built to accomodate him at first). I forget the title of the cookbook he used, but it looked interesting. I should look that up.