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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ಬತ್ತ್ಲೆಗ್ರೌಂದ್ ಸ್ಟೇಟ್

battleground state
Colorado is a battle ground state. This means among other things, that politicians wont leave me and my neighbors alone.

A while back they proposed dividing Colorado's electorial votes based on the popular vote, the argument against this was that it would marginalize our rather less than overwhelming 9 electorial votes.

I say, bring on the marginalization. I long for the days when I could see a car commercial, and old spice commercial and maybe an ad for a beer.

In fairness to the beer commericials though, nothing has made me want to shed the skin of a non drinker like all the political ads.

Also Colorado is one of the states where you can have ballot initivies. yes on 42 no, on 47, yes on this and that, man I hate ballot drives. Most of the commercials don't even address the initives. They just say things like firefighters are against XX (I don't know which one they're against.) it will make our job harder, than you get to reading it and it has to do with Unions.

If i wanted to legislate, I would run for political office.

This is what Jerry wants, I want to be marginalized, and I don't want ballot inititives.

That is all.

Oh wait, I also want the steelers to win the super bowl and a nice ruben sandwich would treat me right.

1 comment:

Abby said...

I am counting the days until the election just so all the political ads will STOP! And I hardly even watch TV.