So I was over at my other (old) blog by mistake, and though I should read some of the stuff I write, so I did the only appropriate thing I could think of and searched toilet, which brought up a slightly unnerving inmaterial number of posts, I picked the one I titled Round and Round and read it. This is what I've learned I crack me up. Also I ran a spell check, put nevermind that.
Anyway here is my old post,
This morning I was standing in front of the bathroom sink, vigorously brushing my teeth, when i notice much to my horror, that the brushing motion was mimicked by my girth.
That is i went left my belly went left and than it follow back to the right, this wouldn't have been so bad if the movement hadn't continued after I stopped brushing, it seems my belly had some residual energy transferred to it, and it had built up some momentum.
This got me to thinking, what if i was to really go at a tooth brushing for all it was worth. Let out a primal scream and let loose with a frothy mouth of Whitening Crest. Is it possible to transfer enough energy and momentum to my belly that I could tweak my spine doing that? Has anyone ever thrown out their back brushing their teeth? I don't want to be the first, end up having my dentist and neurologist having to consult on my treatment.
If it is possible to throw your back out brushing your teeth, I am guessing you could suffer even more serious injury doing it. Suppose I throw my back out, let out wince and crumple to the floor knocking my noggin on the toilet on the way down.
This could slice my melon open, and I might end up with a staph infection. Maybe even some drug resistant variety that would render my immune system helpless as I waste away in the hospital, I would be lying in the hospital bed in a quarantined section where all the residences would point and laugh.
But if I had a serious blood infection in my head, this might end up with me being rendered and ex blogger, ex accountant, and an ex person.
So here i am having died from my injuries that result from my tooth brushing and I am standing in a line at St. Peter's gates. When i get to the front of the line I don't want st. peter saying "We told you to brush in circles!"
So i am making my official declaration that in order to preserve me status as a person I will from now on attempt to do tiny circles instead of big old back and forth bushes.
This part is new again
So I still don't do circles, but i'll try again, just like i'll try to be a better blogger and post more.
Okay, I guess that counts as a "new" blog entry. Now, I'm going to be checking for toothbrushing jiggles. I'm guessing that the parts I want to jiggle won't, and those I don't want to, will.
I have stopped counting jiggles long ago...
really an eye opener for me.
- Robson
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