My 20 year reunion is supposed to be next weekend. Only I can't go. It turns out my real life is getting the way of my former life. Which got me thinking why do i want to go. I had a good time in high school, but I was also a complete and utter social failure. Which may or may not be an exaggeration, but here is my test, i never had a girl friend in high school, i never went on a date.
I would have done anything, to be good enough to have had a girlfriend in high school. Well that is anything but ask a girl out. That is pure lunacy. I realize the errors of my thinking, but it can't change it.
I don't really care what most of the people are doing, I have a few friends i would like to have a reason to visit. I like to visit where I am from and since my family is no longer there, it is highly unlikely I have reason to get back. But at the same time, I want to visit.
I have no desire to see the girls the either rebuffed me, wouldn't talk to me or completely terrified me. It isn't that I don't want to see them, but to me in my head they're who they were not who they are, so I guess, I have memories of a time, that is gone, and there is no going back. It isn't that i don't want to see them either, it is just I don't get those shows like high school reunion on vh1.
I don't want to go back and reunite with people, who mostly through my own cowardice, remind me of the time in my life, when I was full of potential yet failing everyday to do the only thing that mattered.
I also want to go, cause I have a smoking hot wife. I can think of a few people that I would really like to see just to say, ha my wife is hotter than your wife, but that is probably not good want to have. I don't want to see people to think, man it sucks to be you, or I make more money than you, or anything like. I just would like to see where some people have ended up.
Facebook has cleared that up for some people, but for a lot of people that isn't the case at all.
I was all gung-ho to go to my college reunion this year but now I'm having second thoughts (mostly b'c I didn't get my teeth fixed in time!!!)
AHA! I was reading this thinking, okay why would he really want to go? Sounds like life is better now. The smoking hot wife thing, yeah I understand.
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