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Sunday, July 17, 2011


This is what I have been thinking of late.  Kids grow up entirely too fast. I am entirely too fat, and when I was a kid summers seemed to be endless.

It is already nearing the end of July, I mean it is middle, but after the next work week it'll be towards then end.  If i were god for a day, I would add some more summer to summer, perhaps even go to a 5 season cycle, we could have, Autum, Winter, Spring, Summer, and Summerer.  That would be sweet  add a whole month right in the middle called Juvember, also my new month is going to have 31 days too, none of that short month business, July Juvember and August are all having 31 days, in  a row :-)

I was at Target yesterday and noticed all the back to school supplies are out.  That is insane.   Also, I saw a list of what you have to equip a kid with to send them to school these days, sheesh, You need fewer supplies to plan you ascent of Mount Kilamanjaro, and likely less money too.  When did the tricks of linear algebra become so expensive?

My daughter is 2 and less than a half and more than a 1/4 so, I suppose she is like 2 and 3/8 but who says that. Which got me to thinking about the expression "a fraction of" More specifically it was the knuckleheads on the radio lamenting that people's 401k are a fraction of what they used to be, but come to us and i'll guarantee you'll never lose a cent again.  Which drives me nuts but never mind that, what i was thinking of is the a fraction of what they used to be, can't everything be expressed as a fraction, i mean if i had 15/10 of what i used to have that would be a good thing wouldn't it.  I know that you're not supposed to mix numbers like that, but your not supposed to make promises that are untrue either, so that is my thought on that.

I also been thinking, I am so glad I do not have to date anymore or ever again.   A woman i work with is trying her hand at dating and it seems there are some damaged broken crazy ass people running around the midlife single market. Also I married way way way way over my head.  So i got that going for me

Entirely unrealted, but it has been bugging me, letting go of the past seems to be both equally good, and equallly bad.  I mean you can't spent your days sitting around lamenting about could have been or should have done, but you can't live your life without reflection, otherwise, you'll end up saying thinks like that always happens to me.  Which is you dont' learn from the past, that will be the case, but if you dwell, you'll not move forward either, life can be tricky business.

I had planned to try to get into shape this summer, but everytime i start i work out like 3 days then something comes up i miss a day and i don't get back to it for a week or so, which completely busts the momentum i had started, urgh, why is there such a difference between what is good for you and what is easy.

That is all i got for today.

1 comment:

brandy101 said...

I like your idea of "Summerer!"

I, too, am skeeved by the back-to-school displays out there.