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Friday, March 13, 2009


I was over at Abby's blog and her story inspired me to retale a story of mine. Unfortunatly for me, I can not lay blame at the foot of the dumbass 11 year old next door. My neighbor's could tell a story similar to abby's but mine is differnt.

So here it goes, It is a pleasent day back in I'll say the spring/summer just past the fifth grade. I think that would have been 1984. Oh sweet, van halen jump was likely on my mtv, and i was blissfully unaware of the awsomely understated drama that women would bring to my life.

Anyway, I was thinking, I need some lunch, what do we have, well be got some potatoes and crisco I'll make french fries, and have a coke. Doh, we're out of soda. So I put my fries on and think to myself, I'll bet I can get to the gas station and back (on a bike) before my fries are done.

As it turns out I couldn't do that trip in less time than it takes to cook french fries, burn fries, have grease catch fire from exessive heat, and start cubboards on fire.

In an endorsement of the boyscouts of america, or perhaps cubscouts, I don't remember which your in at that point, I knew not to but water on a grease fire. So I got the fire put out and no one even called the fire department. Which in hind sight my have been the best thing some one could have done, cause than my parents may have realized 1. 5th graders shouldn't be cooking lunch for themselves and 2. fifth graders shouldn't be home alone cooking lunch for themselves, but never mind that. I got grounded, on the plus side we got a new stove hood, i think a new stove and cabinets.

Stupid bmx bikes, they're too slow.

Anyway fast forward to about 89, maybe 88 sometime my sophmore year. I got my driver's liscense. Which was nice, although I didn't have a car, but never mind that. so there I am thinking, I am going to make me some lunch, what do we have, we got potatoes, I think I'll make some french fries, doh we're out of soda, I'll bet I can get to the gas station and back in a car before the fries are done.

It turns out that is also wrong.

FYI, Chrysler financials website is down again.
3rd month in a row the first time i try to log on the site is down.


Abby said...

I was thinking that reading this entry was much like watching a horror movie. I kept thinking, "Don't do it Jerry. DON'T! NO JERRY NO!!!"

Beej said...

I have a 5th grader. I can't imagine letting her get anywhere NEAR the stove without me.

I'm glad you're still alive Jerr.