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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ads on my site

After my last 2 posts, the ads on my site changed to ads to meet women, I am not sure why.  Neither post had to do with women, well in as much as that is possible.  As it turns out nearly everything is a woman's fault.  You can blame Eve for that one, or not.  Who knows? I do know most of the stupid things I do have a woman's inspiration at their roots.

Anyway, that isn't why I write, clearly this is a English speaking or writing or reading, this is shall we say a  English friendly blog.  Which, doesn't mean I have anything against spanish, farsi or russian, but I don't speak them.

So 2 of the ads on the thing are to meet Brazilian women.  WTF would I want to meet a Brazilian woman for?  She is either, in Brazil, which is not where I am or her first language is not English, which means we would have an even harder time communicating. All of this is moot anyway, because I am married, but nevermind that.

After I typed this last quasi paragraph, it is only a paragraph if you can make something a paragraph by adding lines instead of having it contain a cohesive thought.  Anyway, perhaps the type of guys or gals that want to meet Brazilian women are not the sort of guys or gals that you would want to talk to anyway.  Unless they 2 are Brazlian or Portuguese, but nevermind that too.  I am thinking if you're looking for a woman from another country who speaks a different language than you do, perhaps, and this is just my thought, but you should get off the internet and into the comfy couch in a therapist office.


KJ said...

The ads I'm seeing are for~ "Older dating Australia" and, "Date sexy filipino women", and .."Hot Australian Women".

I would've thought seeing I'm a chick, they'd be ads for dating blokes, at least!!!

Abby said...

How do you get ads on your site in the first place? I'm a total freeloader blogger, but still don't get any ads. Oh well...

I think these new targeted ads are clearly a result of your last two posts. You have phrases like "english as the second language", "between my legs", and "sticky". What would you think?

Adam said...

Dub, just so you know, I've switched my blog address: