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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I don't get it

Michael Jackson amoung others died this last weekend. I personally took the death of Billy Mays the hardest. He cracked me up, but he is getting the least attention, mostly becuase, well the star power of the other deaths. This is what I don't get, and not to be cold, but they are all has beens. As in they have been famous or popular, but they're no longer contributing to the very thing that made them famous.

Ed Mc. died, while sad he was in his late eighties and sick, so this is less than suprizing, and hasn't generated all that much media coverage, so this just sucks.

Farrah died. She was very ill for a very long time, and if you're a person of faith you can think she is in a better place, and if your not, you can think at least her pain has ended.

Michael Jackson. I get that he was the king of pop. Was being the most important thing here. In past 15 years or so, he has been in the news for nothing good. Everyone on my tv is talking like we lost a genius and music will never be the same. Well, hasn't anyone noticed that he hasn't been producing relevent popular music in a very long time. The music industry is the same today as it was last tuesday. I never liked his music, not really my ball of wax, but it is still there. I can listen to Bad, or Billie Jean, or Scream. Okay that last one was listed to make a point it was on his latest record but no one knows.

I was driving into the office and on npr they were interviewing someone that flew from france to stand in line in harlem to see the apollo theatre.

I guess if there is a lesson to be learned here it is this, don't take today for granted. Celebrate today for what you have, don't morn the loss of the past.


Abby said...

You're right, Jerry. Life is short, don't waste it.

KJ said...

personally, i do not know this other fellow who you mention has died, but have seen pics of him.

farrah i was sad to hear had died, it was a long and painful journey for her. and yes, i hope she is in a better place.

as for mr jackson, sorry...but do not give a flying F**k!
i think all the hype about his death is disgusting and so not worth the air play.

Beej said...

I don't know how I feel about it all. It does make me think about the contributions of these people and whether or not I have contributed anything worth celebrating.
