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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I am a dog or I am the greatest dad alive !

So we've been trying to teach our baby to sign. She does more, and waves bye and she does dog sometimes. She also says Da for me and DA for the dog. So this past weekend, I was making sure to empahsis the sign for dog, which at least according to our day care is slapping your upper thigh, kinda like you're trying to get the dog to come.

Anyway, yesterday, when I got home from work she was sitting in the middle of our living room, looks right at me and says DA and slaps her thigh. Which at first made me sad, I was thinking my daughter thinks that her dada is the same as her doggie.

But after some reflection it occurred to me, I have taught my 10 month old baby that men are DAWGS. I should get an award.

1 comment:

brandy101 said...

LOL, funny!

My daughter learned the signs for "hungry" and "drink" - very useful to help them out when they need something!