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Thursday, August 13, 2009


This is my puzzeling thought for the day.

I pick my daughter up from day care yesterday, get her home and we play and have a bath and that sorta thing, all kinds of groovey stuff. Dad played mixed in with mom time with the baby. So we get home and I am like finally i get to spend some time with her.

Next thing you know she is in bed and I think, finally she went to sleep.

When I had this second thought, it occurred to me, how can i be so happy to see her and 2 hours later be so happy she's asleep?

Anyway, that is all i got.


Abby said...

Two hours is a long time in baby time.

I hated dropping my kids off at daycare (hence the whole SAHM transition thing), but I also practically LIVED for naptime.

brandy101 said...

my daughter NEVER napped so I looked forward to bedtime every day!