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Sunday, October 28, 2012

sometimes I think it is a sin

This video is just the album cover with the song added. Anyway, this is my new theme of the day

Anyway, Sometimes i think its a shame when i get feeling guilty when I am feeling no pain, for some reason that song is on a loop in my noodle.

Anyway,  I had myself, a mr. mom kind of mom.  Remember that flick, if you do say you don't so you don't date yourself, but if you don't you should watch it cause it is funny.

Any when the wife got herself  a new job and i applied for a job with in the agency i work for and i got an interview for the very first one i applied for i got thinking, this is going to be quick and easy.  I didn't get that job likely cause, they had somone in mind cause that is how the government works.

Yesterday, i was sitting around thinking I don't get to see Mariah's Halloween this just plain sucks, I was wearing the same stuff i was wearing to sleep in and I got feeling bad for my self.

Then yesterday perhaps as a sign I got a letter from the Wounded Warriors Project.  Addressed to Jerry I need some Karma DuBois.  Which there is a reason for that, but that maybe a post for a different day. Anyway reading the flyer saying they need some cash to help wounded veterans made me think.  I am one lucky fellow, healthy daughter, spectacular wife, and on top of that me being the absolute pinnacle of evolutionary progress, never before in the history of human kind has there been a combination of dna that has resulted in this level of awesomeness.

That last bit may be an exaggeration, but i am healthy and forty, my daughter is healthy, my wife and i both have pretty sweet gigs.

I am going to not feel bad that i am missing a halloween, i have a ticket to visit for thanksgiving, i am going to take 9 days leave at Christmas, if i haven't been out there, i will visit  sometime in early Feb, and i will go for her birthday, all if i am not transferred yet. But I should be transferred, that puts my request at 8 months. The lady coordinating the efforts, that is her job helping get folks transferred.  Anyway she didn't think it would take to long since i am trying to get to DC.

In the  mean time, i am going to see if i can find a guitar to practice with, and start guitar lessons again, i am going to really focus on lossing some weight.  Weirdly i had been both exercising and dieting mixed in with a lot of pity party basically binging.

So back on the diet I go.

and be thankful for what you have!!!!

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