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Monday, January 5, 2009

men and women are different.

This is my theory based on my observations and I know it is chaulk full of stereotypes and prejuiduce. I think the people that claim men and women are not different have never been forced to attend bunk-o (women)and poker (men) nights. One of my ex-roommates used to host bunko and so while I didn't partake I was there.

Here are the differences between men and women summed up nice and short.

1. Men think about sex. The best example I can think of and I think I have mentioned before, but if you look at John Mayer, 50 cent, and Quiet Riot 3 completely different styles of music, but they all have the same goal of getting the girl.

2. Sometimes football but than sex. Even this isn't purely free of the thought driving men, how else do you explain cheerleaders?

3. For the most part men can compartmentalize competition better than women can.
It has been my experiance that if men are in competition for the same woman they can still be friends after. Not so much with girls. I've never understood why when a man cheats on a woman, that the women get mad at the other woman. That makes no sense to me. For example on a nationwide scale, there are still women made at Angelina for stealing brad pitt. Should they just be mad at him for stepping out?

4. Men make snap decisions lots more than women do, I think. This is bad and good. Women make more emotional decisions.

5. It has been my experiance that woman are better multitaskers, but they focus better. Men focus on nothing for very long.

Which all this being said, the news is talking about Obama's presidency alot. I've decided that I am going to start looking for my next canidate. I am unsure who it is going to be, but I think it is about time we find a candiate that can bring men's and women's strenghts to the table.

With that being said, I am supporting Rupaul for president.


Abby said...

That is a big pic of Rupaul. Ewww.

Men and women ARE different, thank goodness! And you know where I spent my formative years.

brandy101 said...


One thing I noticed is that RuPaul doesnt fit into those shoes he/she is teetering on.

I focus on details like that...

But unlike other women, I HATE bucno. Yech!