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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Swivel chairs are the best thing ever

Sunday night, scratch that Saturday night , there was a lad who was feeling fine. Had himself a spectacular Saturday, and to end this Saturday, he sat down/lied down on the couch to catch himself some Sportscenter and pet his dog.

The dog greatly enjoyed this, and I (I mean) he fell asleep with his spine bent at the neck into a rather unfortunate position. A few hours later he gets up and meanders into the bed room and continues his relentless search for REM. I found some.

However, when I got up Sunday, My neck was killing me. It is now Tuesday and my neck is still hurting although not as bad. I got a massage on Sunday that seemed to help, but when i got home i was greeted by a 100 lbs of where have you been, i am so happy to see you i thought you had left me and were never coming back, scratch my head right here, oh and now do my rump, down by the tail yea that is the spot. Anyway, this hardy, and unfortunately jarring greeting by none other than the irrepressible neil diamond left my neck hurting again.

So it is tuesday and i am typing about my sleeping injury that is really really troublesome and surprisingly painful and debilitating.

In front of me is my desk, in front of that is a wall, the door is to the south. People keep coming in here, and instead of turning my head to greet them, i have to turn my whole self, rather like C3PO. (Why can't i be like the cool star wars characters.) Nevermind that, this would be problematic except for my chair swivels. This is a god send.

I know what your thinking, that seems to be over stating it a bit. I mean a god send is someone winning the lottery right before they get foreclosed on or someone getting a organ donner, or the 4th fertility treatment finally working. However, I don't need these things. Right now, I have 2 good kidneys, the mortgage is up to date, and the wife is processing the offspring acquisition request properly. So for me, as I think of all the things I am thankful for, right at the top of the list is swivel chairs. A close second is advil, but I really think the chairs are tops today.

So if someone asks me what i am thankful for on thanksgiving, I think I am going to say swivel chairs and leave it at that.

About an hour later.

I am sure this is entirely a sign that I shouldn't make light of all the blessings in my life.

About an hour after I posted that post, the boss came into my office. As you should have guessed from my post, I spun my chair to proper greet the boss position. My overly exuberant chair spinning, coincided with an involuntary or at least sub conscience leg stretch. My legs are just long enough to snag the power surge. Thus yanking it out of the wall. Good by 1 hours worth of journal entries. And depreciation calculations.

So here it is my revised things I am thankful for. My wife, my dog, my job, my friends, my health, my extended if not crazy family, and all the important stuff.

I am still thankful for the swivel chairs, but now I know the dangers of a swiveling all willie nillie.
Turns out too much of anything is bad.


brandy101 said...

oh no!!!!

Ice on the pinched nerve or whatever should help. Maybe the more comfy bag of frozen corn or peas or lima beans wrapped in a towel - rest your neck on that. And take plenty of Advil.

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