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Monday, September 14, 2009

Guide to happy living

One day I am going to put my book together and it will be called Jerry's guide to happy living. In that book is going to be this nugget to live your life by.

Starting your day before the sun, does little to make you happy.

I hate this time of year. Hate seems a little strong, as I loathe after we set our clocks back. Let me rephrase, I mildly dislike this time of year. As the days are getting shorter, it is dark when I get up. This shouldn't be the case. I mean if the sun with all it's fussion can't find the energy to be up yet, Why is a Jerry expected to find ill begotten morning pep?

I really hate when we set our clocks back though, which just ensures that it is dark when i start my day and dark when I end it. That just sucks, If I were running the world this is what I would do. Well first I would get Steeler's season tickets, I would cancel Dr. Phil, and I would make Cinco de Mayo, Casmir Pulaski birthday, Boxing day, Ceasar Chavez birthday, and Canadian Thanksgiving (becuase I am fairly sure I have blessings enough for 2 days of giving thanks), paid holiday's right after I did these things, I would say, we're going to day light savings time and staying there!!!!

Side note and a little less then completely unrelated but i brought it up so I'll address it. There are people pushing for Ceasar Chavez birthday to be a holiday. Which I'll not judge one way or another, he likely helped to improve the lives of millions of Americans and Mexicans, and Mexican-Americans, or more importantly people, which seems like a good enough reason celebrate the guys birthday to me. However, his timing was all wrong. He was born 3/31/27 (At least according to wiki). This is a horrible time for another holiday.

Here is a list of 2009 federal holidays

Thursday, January 1 New Year’s Day
Monday, January 19 Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, February 16* Washington’s Birthday
Monday, May 25 Memorial Day
Friday, July 3** Independence Day
Monday, September 7 Labor Day
Monday, October 12 Columbus Day
Wednesday, November 11 Veterans Day
Thursday, November 26 Thanksgiving Day
Friday, December 25 Christmas Day

Actually looking at this list, I notice we go from Feb to May without a holiday. I mean Easter is in there but nevermind that. I say we add a holiday to March or April, and add one to August or June. If you look at the holiday list we waste most of them on cold winter days, which is fine if you're in Florida, but I am not.

The next holiday is Columbus day. I say this is a dumb ass to celebrate in the US.

1. Columbus never came to the US, maybe the Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico, but he didn't come to the Mainland.
2. Do the desedants of the Tainos think his "discovery" was a good thing?
3. Dude is famous for getting lost and discovering a place people already lived. Later this year, I might go discover Wyoming.

Anyway, that is all, getting up early, sucks, we need more holidays, I actually do think we should keep Columbus day, just do so knowing that dude was lost, didn't discover anything and gave little thought to the lives of those around him. In fact, Columbus did the reverse of what Chavez did, his actions led to the misery and death of millions of people. All of a sudden I am a Ceasar Chavez fan.


Abby said...

We really do need a March holiday. And I'm all for cancelling Dr. Phil. We could start a petitition.

brandy101 said...

A *federal* March holiday sounds good but then what would happen for St. Patrick*s day - its a HUGE deal in Chicago.