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Monday, December 7, 2009

What does the sign mean?

This morning is was a chilly* 5 degrees out, and the wind, with about a 10mph easterly (i am unsure if winds are named for the direction they're going or coming from, it was blowing eastwards) wind and it was snowing a little bit, hence the traffic was slower than usual and the roads were kinda icy.

I was on the freeway, and the programmable sign said, "Winter Driving Conditions Ahead, Use Caution" I got off at the next exit, so i am unsure if the roads and the driving got worse or if they stayed the same. Did that sign mean winter driving conditions ahead as in if you keep going the roads will get worse? That is how I originally read it, however, after pondering it for a spell, did they mean that the weather is going to get worse in the next day or so, and we're going to have winter Driving Conditions Ahead as in later this week? It is a mystery to me, all i want from my road signs is clarity, STOP, that makes sense, Yield, that one i don't like.

* so last week i was in LA not the state, and the weather man said it was a chilly 59 out right now. Friday as i was driving into the office, the weather guy said it is a chilly 12 outside now. I am fairly sure you shouldn't be allowed to us the same adjective for both 59 and 12.


Abby said...

Right now, I would LOVE a chilly 59.

My garage door is freezing at the half-way open (as opposed to the halfway-closed) position. I think someone's telling me just not to drive anywhere.

Abby said...

Thanks for the book offer, I've actually read "Endurance". Yes, they're all crazy. At least Shackleton made it to the whaling station.

Adam said...

I can see it now... five miles later, Jerry wishes he would've listened to his sign as he finds himself parked in front of a glacier and pondered digging his car out of the three feet of snow on all sides. Some trips just aren't worth it.