The program she was watching ended, I think it was like design on a dime, or sell my house, or this house is a stinking pile of poo, help!, or one of those programs, and this show came on.
TLC :: TV Listings :: Purity Balls Don't bother going to the site, unless you want to find out when it is on again, becuase it just has a description of the show and I'll thoughtfully post that now for you.
"A unique look into Purity Balls, where fathers and daughters subscribe to the single fundamental notion of chastity, with the fathers pledging to protect their young daughters' purity, and the daughters pledging to remain virgins until they marry."
All I have to say is that this was the most incestious thing I've seen in a long time. I kept, I don't mind the chastity part, but apperntly at these balls they promise to not even kiss a guy, they want their first kiss to be with their husbands after they're married. Which isn't even all that bad of an idea. Just odd. However that isn't what bothered me.
The fathers being some creepy mofo that is what bothered me. When getting ready for the ball, which looked like a prom except it was fathers and daughters, one of the dads, said he wanted to give his daughter a night of (I can't remember the first adjective, but I think it was affirmation and the second one, I remember, becuase well, It was f@#$ed up.) He wanted to give his daughter a night of affirmation and romance.
Of all the thinks I want from my parents Romance is not one of them. If I did, I could change my name to oedipus and gouge my eyes, but I'll refrain from doing so, as blogging blind is rough.
The family that the show focused on basically sequesters their daughters and doesn't allow them to interact with boys, until a suitor comes along asks thier father if they can get to know the daughter has a few meetings with the dude and than gets to meet her. WTF is that.
Also the dude had a son, actually several, and the show didn't mention at all what they want or expect from their sons. I would be curious to know.
Another thing about the show, is they kept describing the Purity Ball in the Springs as the most extravigant in the nation. How the hell can you know that, They also said that there are 1000s of them across the nation.
Here is a post (actually looks like an editorial, but I don't know the publications so what ever) in something from someone that supports Purity Balls, Thought I would link it.
I think the ball was held at the Broadmoor. As it was held Colorado Springs and there aren't alot of 5 star resorts there. Abby probably knows, Abby may have attened. Although I didn't seem Magnum, on the TV and as they don't have daughters, maybe that is best.
I don't often give parental advise, but here is my attempt at it. If someone takes something your doing as creepy and weird ask yourself why. Parents can and should be a major influence and role model to their children, but there are somethings they must get from their peers. Romance and affirmation are amoung these.
Also here is the link to the ministry that started them and the family that the show focues on.
Completely unrealated, but names that can't be spelled bug me. One of the daughters is named
Khrystian I copied this from the ministries website, but it jacked up my font. Anyway, lets say I meet her. Hi i am Jerry, please to meet you. And she says I am Krystian. How the hell am i supposed to spell that with out her telling me. To clarify, I don't have a problem with odd names, it is just mispelled for the sake of miss spelling it that bugs me.
Ask everyone in the country to spell Krystian, and I am guessing you might get 2 right. I would probably come closer than most, because, I spell for crap, but that is just stupid.
dude that wrote freakonomics, applied this to naming, and it turns out that trendy names usually start with the rich and highly educated and than migrate to the masses. Only the masses tend to slightly change the spelling to be different. So unless your Welch, stop using Y for vowel in names, like Jerry (hehe). Of course that could just be an economics being an elitist snob, but who is to say.
His premise goes like this, High society folks pick names that they think are unique, and snotty, which reminds me of blair from, facts of life.
Here is the list of names that dude predicts will be popular in 2015, from some site that is used for baby naming. He predict Aldo will be come very popular and since 2005 it has gone from the 601 most popular to 429. he also predicts, Finnegan which has moved from 888 to 653 and Anderson which has gone from 498 to 347. As far as girls he predicts Sophie which has gone from 135 to 82 Phobie 425 to 338.
I think that dudes theories are off base a little bit but if he ends up being right. That creates a natural stereo type against Phynnegan, Feebee, and Khyrstian as coming from lowly educated, poor families.
In short to all those looking to name your offspring after me, only Jerry is acceptable. Not Jeri, Geri, Gerry, or Jerrie. Also it isn't short for Gerald. If you want to name your kid Gerald, name them Gerald, and call them that, don't name them Gerald and call them Jerry, that is just stupid.
Purity balls??!? OMG, I can't even imagine doing such a thing with my dad. That just ain't right.
Yeah, there probably is one at the Broadmoor. Maybe I'll crash the next one and give a field report.
OMG< the 2nd paragraph of this post cracked my @ss up!
That said, I think the purity balls are creepy; not because they emphasize chastity but...just the one-sidedness of it all. And the creepiness of dads instilling romance. Ew.
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