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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Difference between men and women

I was over at Abby's reading her post, and I thought I've not posted a difference between men and women post in a while and since Abby posted one, I thought you know this is timely becuase I was talking to my boss about it. Before I get going I thought I would remind everyone that I operate under the premise that women are crazy and men are stupid.  Which via exhaustive research and clinical trials has been found to be 100% likely.

Here is my thoery for why women end up on that TV show Snapped.

Women's minds can be explained string theory to explain the universe, everything is related, intertwined and has meaning. Men on the other hand will sit and ponder and dilberate within their heads and at the of much deliberation and pondering come to remarkable conclusions like, "I think, therefore I am."  To which other men with say, that is genius.  I am sure Mrs. Decartes was like, no shit you are, you are late for diner!  Her version was probably He thinks therefore nothing gets done.  The problem with string theory however is it doesn't work.  At least it can't be proven to work the math just doesn't work.

Anyway, women's minds are trying to make connections and find reason for actions in the universe. Namely 2 women will get to together and gossip about another women's actions, and they all assume the actions taken are meaningful, thoughtout and most likely evidence of the 3rd women's being a backstabbing bitch.  I do not know that this is how all women are, I do know that, when you try to apply the same rules to men's actions the evaluation doesn't work.  This is becuase of a varible not often considered by women.

That variable is, there is no reason for why we do stuff, we just do and move on.  You can't expect us to answer your questions about why we do stuff, becuase we don't know, we decide to do something do it and then move on.  For example dude deicdes he is going to do something crazy like get a motorcycle.  So dude gets a bike, when women finds out she'll ask why, and the guy will say, I don't know.  Then she gets her panties all in a bunch and get mad, but dude is just being honest, if you want to know why he got a bike ask him before he gets it.
But the trick with that is, how do you know to ask why guys did something before they done it?  But if you wait till after they've done it, then they won't know why.
I remember a while back seeing an interveiw with Tiger Woods' mom talking about the difference between his mom and dad.   She said something like, he was a softie, he will forgive, he will forget, I don't forget anything!  This sort of behavior is beyond most men.
In short, Male/Female relationships would work alot better if women would accept that for the most part, men are not thinking, we don't know why we do stuff, and we really don't care why other people are doing stuff if it doesn't bother me.
Granted there are exceptions to this rule, there are the guys that hold grudges for years only to unleash them in the future, and there are women that are just as clueless as men are.

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