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Monday, January 18, 2010

My thoughts!

I was at church this weekend. The guy spoke about the Book of Revelations. He did a fairly good job. I really hate when people read this book. It seems that everyone thinks everything going on now is proof the end times are near. He didn’t do that, so I was pleased. These the end is near prognostications have been going on for as long as there have been Christians. Everyone seems to think their problems and plights have biblical scope. As bad as the news programs paint the world now, it seems to me, it is far from the darkest days, but what do I know?

If you want to know what Jerry has learned from the Bible and the book of Revelations in particular pay attention to this, if not, well, see you next paragraph or post of something. But this little nugget may be the only thing I ever write worth writing and well it may be complete nonsense too, but sometime when I was a teenager this thought popped into my head and has stayed there.

You should live your life like the end is now, and you should prepare your life as if the end will never come.

That is it really, I was talking to a client a few weeks ago and I got to bust that little nugget out. She was asking me about retirement savings and we looked at a projection that planned for her to still have money when she was 112. Which I suppose is pretty optimistic thinking, but beyond that, she asked should I save that much?

This particular woman is in the enviable position of having more money than most of us, and by saving that much she meant should I have that much in my retirement accounts instead of somewhere else, but I suppose the way you get there is to save first and ask questions later, that is probably another life lesson, but never mind that for today.

I got to tell her the only people who don’t run out of money when they retire are the ones that plan to need it. Which reminded me of my biblical thought when the preacher gave his sermon.

That is the only people that need to be concerned with judgment day are those in fear of judgment.

Also not completely unrelated I was at the library this weekend and I got Tuesdays with Morrie. This book is a good book that is very emotional. Emotional in that it gets you thinking I should do more. Not more work, or things like that but more things like spend time with my wife and baby. Tell my dad I love him, and listen to my mom’s meaningless pointless inane stories. Those sort of things. Which is also what I take from the Bible, for church and all stories about judgment, stone casting, plagues, death, and destruction, to me, it comes down to, Is there enough love in your life?

I should wake up every day, thankful for everything, but some days, I get lost in the world. I think I have to do this at work, or I have to do this, turns out I don’t have to do anything. I have to learn to love my family and my friends more, that is really all I have to do.

As I writing this I am avoiding writing a letter to the IRS. I am glad I pick the more important thing to write.

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